Forehead Lifts: Fighting the Signs of Work Stress | Dr. Wayne Carman

Forehead Lifts: Fighting the Signs of Work Stress

As we enter the final days of the year, many of us take a little time to look back and reflect on what the last 12 months brought us. The nature of our employment has a lot to do with whether or not we mark our lives as better off in December than they were back in the previous January, since our workplace can impact us in terms of energy levels, anxiety, and physical labor.

Canadian job search engine Adzuna recently released a report on the best and worst jobs in the country, compiled from more than a million job listings. The site broke the results down into various categories, but the “least/most stressful” list in particular caught my eye, as stress can take its toll on a body, particularly the face, where frustration and worry lines can deepen into wrinkles and add years to someone’s appearance.

The least five stressful jobs were charity worker, secretary, translator, librarian, and receptionist, with the last being the best. Not everyone can land a dream job, however, as evidenced by the most stressful entries: fireman, journalist, pilot, doctor, and oil riggers, with the last being the worst. Mind you, I tend to disagree with the stress ranking of doctor (most days anyway).

But even the most pleasant jobs can cause stress. It’s called “work” for a reason.

Anyone looking to erase the effects of stress—from a Toronto-area receptionist to a far-flung oil rigger—may want to consider a forehead lift, which smooths out furrows and diminishes frown lines. Recovery time for this endoscopic procedure is about seven to 10 days, so patients of the Cosmetic Surgery Institute can be back on the clock in about a week.

Or they can always take their new look and start searching for a job with a better ranking on the list.