Should I Get a Facelift or BOTOX®? | Dr. Wayne Carman

Should I Get a Facelift or BOTOX®?

Which will be best for you–a facelift or BOTOX®? Our Toronto practice often sees patients who would like to alter their appearance in some way but are unsure which approach is most suitable for them. There are many different techniques available for patients who want to transform their appearance and regain confidence. Facelifts and BOTOX® are two of the most well-known options for restoring a younger-looking appearance. Both procedures can have a significant impact on your appearance but there are some major differences between them. Each method comes with its own set of benefits and considerations, making the choice between them a matter of personal preference, lifestyle, and aesthetic goals. Here’s what you should know about how these two treatments compare.


BOTOX® is derived from a neurotoxin produced by a bacterium. It is a prescription drug which blocks certain signals from the nerves that tell muscles to contract, so it relaxes the muscles that cause wrinkles on the face such as frown lines or forehead lines. This is a quick, minimally invasive treatment with little to no downtime. It can be more cost-effective than cosmetic surgery, depending upon how many treatments are needed. The effects last for several months however, the results gradually wear off and so additional treatments are needed to maintain results. A drawback is that BOTOX® improves expression wrinkles on the face but it can’t address sagging skin.


A facelift, or rhytidectomy, is a surgical procedure designed to address sagging skin, deep wrinkles, and loss of facial volume. This comprehensive approach involves lifting and tightening the underlying muscles and tissues, resulting in a smoother and firmer appearance. The outcome from a facelift can last for ten years or more on average. While the results are more dramatic and long-lasting compared to non-surgical alternatives, a facelift requires downtime, and does have more risk compared to injectable treatments like BOTOX®.

Which One Is Best for Me?

When deciding which approach is most appropriate for you, you should think of the extent of your age-related concerns, how dramatic you would prefer the level of transformation to be, and how much downtime you can handle. It’s important to discuss your goals with us before you commit to any cosmetic procedure.

Are you wondering, “Should I get a facelift or BOTOX®?” Toronto plastic surgeon Dr. Wayne Carman can provide answers to this and other questions you might have about facial rejuvenation. Call us at (416) 322-7108 or submit a contact form online to request a consultation.