A facelift is one of the best ways of restoring a more youthful, pleasing, and refreshed appearance by addressing loose skin and tissues on the cheek, jawline and neck. The way you care for your skin will have an impact on facelift results. Good aftercare is essential when it comes to facelifts or any other type of cosmetic plastic surgery. If you want to optimize the outcome and get the most out of your investment, there are steps you can take to maintain the results after a facelift from our Toronto area practice.
There are three main characteristics we associate with a youthful face: high cheekbones, full cheeks, and a slim, defined jawline. This is what is often referred to in the beauty industry as the “Pyramid of Youth.” Our facial appearance will often change drastically as we age. Our skin, bones, muscles, and fat all lose volume, giving our face a thinner, gaunter appearance in areas such as the temples and cheeks. As the fat and skin drift downward, the face has a more deflated appearance and sagging skin may develop on the cheeks. The results from a facelift will last for an average of seven to ten years. To maintain the results for as long as possible, you should take good care of your skin by:
Sun exposure is one of the main causes of skin damage as too much of it will cause wrinkles, lines, and sagging skin. The UV rays penetrate the skin and damage the DNA of skin cells. Try to avoid deliberate tanning and wear SPF 30 or higher, broad-spectrum sunscreen.
Want to find out more about what to expect from facelift surgery? Contact our Toronto-based office of Dr. Wayne Carman for more advice. Call us at (416) 322-7108 or submit a contact form online to schedule a consultation with Dr. Carman and find out whether you would be a good candidate for facial plastic surgery.