With swimsuit season several months away, many patients are taking the opportunity to get their desired breast or body procedure early in the year so that they’re ready to show off the changes by the time summer comes around. It’s only natural to want to flaunt your new look as soon as possible, but you […]
Trying to shed fat from the stomach area can often be frustrating, especially if genetics make you prone to carrying more weight around the midsection. Patients often turn to plastic surgery as a way of eliminating fat from this area to re-shape it if other lifestyle changes they’ve made haven’t helped. Tummy tuck surgery, also […]
Even though they might look similar, not all wrinkles on your face are formed the same way. Many of the common wrinkles we know of, such as forehead wrinkles and crow’s feet, are what are known as dynamic wrinkles or expression wrinkles. These lines and creases appear while your face is moving but aren’t visible […]
Although breast enhancement surgery in Toronto is commonplace, it is most certainly still a medical procedure. Any decision to surgically alter the body is a significant one. Dr. Wayne Carman advises that it should not take lightly. Before moving forward with any patient, he takes great steps to ensure she is physically and mentally a […]
Some doctors use silicone implants to shape patients’ backsides. A so-called “Brazilian” butt lift starts with the same premise—adding volume to reduce sagging and create a rounder appearance—but trades devices for microfat injections. Toronto Plastic Surgeon Dr. Wayne Carman prefers the microfat technique over implants for its natural-looking results. There is no clear answer to […]
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