Bodies come in all different shapes and sizes. For many people, the belly may be the area that’s more challenging for them to tone up. Lack of exercise, a poor diet, and sleepdeprivation can make you more prone to storing fat on the midsection. Even if you lose weight by maintaining a balanced diet and […]
As you get older, it’s normal for the shape of your face to change because of the loss of fat and collagen. Facelifts are surgical treatments that address visible signs of aging on the face such as sagging skin, deepening fold lines, loss of fat, jowls on the cheeks or jaw area, and turkey neck. […]
Unsurprisingly, the skin around the eyes is one of the first areas of the face where the effects of aging become noticeable. BOTOX® Cosmetic from our Toronto practice is usually the recommended solution for these pesky lines around the eyes, but you can also take other measures to prevent the formation of these wrinkles or […]
Traditionally, breast augmentation surgery was the only method of enhancing the bust but now, thanks to advances in technology, fat grafting has become an increasingly popular method of improving this area. Microfat injections from our Toronto-based practice can help you to enhance the size and shape of your breasts as an alternative to traditional breast […]
With swimsuit season several months away, many patients are taking the opportunity to get their desired breast or body procedure early in the year so that they’re ready to show off the changes by the time summer comes around. It’s only natural to want to flaunt your new look as soon as possible, but you […]
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