What Can You Do for a Smoother Breast Reduction Recovery? | Dr. Wayne Carman

What Can You Do for a Smoother Breast Reduction Recovery?

A breast reduction from our Toronto practice is a form of cosmetic surgery that reduces the volume of breast tissue. This can not only enhance the appearance of the breasts but also provide relief from chronic pain or other limitations associated with breasts that are overly large. During the surgery, excess fatty tissue is removed using liposuction through one tiny incision on each side. Although this isn’t the main goal of the surgery, it can also have the benefit of lifting your breasts into a slightly higher position. The biggest advantage of this approach is the absence of extensive surgical scars.

Moderate discomfort during the first few days of recovery should be expected but there are ways for patients to plan ahead to ensure that their recovery is as relaxed and smooth sailing as it can be. See below for some of the best tips to make your breast reduction recovery easier, speedier, and as successful as possible.

  • Read Guidelines

Your consultation visit will give you a good idea of what to expect in the time leading up to the surgery so that you know what to anticipate in advance. Dr. Carman will explain everything you can expect during and after your breast reduction so that there won’t be any surprises.

  • Choose the Right Type of Clothing

Although it might not seem to be a big deal, wearing the right type of clothes on the day of your surgery is a subtle detail that can go a long way and you’ll be grateful for it later. When you’re having a breast reduction, we recommend wearing comfortable clothing that buttons or zips up in the front.

  • Stock Up on Supplies

Prior to the operation, it’s a good idea to gather the supplies you’ll need for a few days at home.. Now is the time to buy groceries and other items so that you won’t be scrambling when you get home from surgery. Light activity is fine, but don’t overdo it. It’s also best to have prescriptions for medications already filled before your surgery.

  • Know What to Avoid

It’s best to quit smoking and avoid taking herbal supplements which can increase bruising. You’ll have an easier recovery if you avoid drinking alcohol and reduce your caffeine intake a few days before the surgery.

For more advice on liposuction breast reduction, contact Toronto plastic surgeon Dr. Wayne Carman. Call us at (416) 322-7108 or submit a contact form online to request a consultation if you would like to discuss this procedure.